MC Board Resurrected but on a new platform

Modern Saint

Starve your Fear, Feed your Dream!
Out with Old,

This was my last version of the Mike Campbell board and the last gig I did with it back in 2019. I was planning to do a lot of rebuilding on the structure as was clunky and heavy. The band was not longer together and then Covid followed a year later. The board went into storage.


In with the New. Planning to be proactive as I placed an ad to seek another TP Tribute and then bam, a keyboard player contacts me. Two or so days later, a bass player/drummer combo contact me. They want to play and the bassist even offered his place for a trial run. I contact my old singer and we got together last weekend. Too much logistics at the moment but I will not get into that.

So in anticipation, I needed to reconstruct the MC Board and shrink it some. Mike has changed his board some where he now has an Xotic EP. He also replaced the Whammy for a EH Micro Pog. I already had an EP and then bought a Pico Pog. Shrunk the board between 25-30%. The board is now lighter and sits on a Rockboard 4.2 platform. I have to clean it up as it was a rush job and didn't even have power for the MM4. Still unsure if it works. In the meantime I did buy a Line 6 M5. Did not go to the HX stomp as I wanted the sound closer to the MM4 and I like simple. The M5 is still in the box and need to start messing with it but in the meantime Version 1 is done and can get the job done.

FWIW, a friend of mine tagged me on FB for the Pettybreakers, Almost.....but I was playing in Heartless Live at the time and their leader did not want to steal me. The Pettybreakers guitarist was going to out 5 months minimum due to health issues. Hopefully I will get the chance on the second round as these opportunities don't come around here no more....well all the time.
