LUNCH! Happy Friday!


Kick Henry Jackassowski
I went to the Indian buffet today, again. Except it was a different place and the food is better. I have worked with the owner a few times in the past on some marketing deals, so he insisted that lunch was on the house. I stufed myself with Chicken Makhani and Lamb curry. Absolutely delicious. love0
Wow, you are really digging the indian food lately. Im envious, i love it too.

However, today i just have a hamburger helper from home. :embarrassed:

But i bought a family pack of wings yesterday for the weekend. AOK
We don't have much in the way of ethnic food right around my office....

There is a Thai place I need to try though...
Phil051300 said:
Wow, you are really digging the indian food lately. Im envious, i love it too.

However, today i just have a hamburger helper from home. :embarrassed:

But i bought a family pack of wings yesterday for the weekend. AOK

I love Indian. I started getting burned on it for a while there but going to a different place fixed that. The recipes are obviously a little different.
Phil051300 said:
Wow, you are really digging the indian food lately. Im envious, i love it too.

However, today i just have a hamburger helper from home. :embarrassed:

But i bought a family pack of wings yesterday for the weekend. AOK

I, too, will be breaking out the fryer for some wings this weekend. AOK

I had some bacon and cheddar on a bagel for lunch today. Plain yet satisfying.
Met my cousin's husband for lunch at Jackson House. Turkey and provolone hoagie with hot peppers and a side of potato salad. Awesome.
Atomic Wings. Yumminess - they put on a LOT of sauce for a change, so they had a very nice kick. :wings:
denverdave said:
We don't have much in the way of ethnic food right around my office....

There is a Thai place I need to try though...

Thai food is always one of my top choices. I just love it. Especially any of the Thai curry dishes.
ChihliDog said:
I think I win today biggrin

We are tied. I had Indian buffet too! I love those little fried potato thinggys...well, and pretty much everything else...
denverdave said:
We don't have much in the way of ethnic food right around my office....

There is a Thai place I need to try though...

Thai Ginger on Littleton Blvd? Or is it Wild Ginger now?

Either way, that place rules if that is what you are referring too.