I was today years old when I discovered…


I have the box
…that if cheap pedals seem noisy using a wall wart and daisy chain, that if you reverse which pedal gets hit with the power first it may silence the problem. It worked anyway.
I own 1-Spot supplies, multiple TrueTone Isolated power supplies as well as multiple Voodoo Labs Pedal Power supplies. The interesting thing is that certain pedals, placed atop a Pedal Power, Wah for example, will cause noise. But, you can put a Wah, or any stomp, on top of a TrueTone power supply and it stays dead quite. It’s useful to know when you’re running low on space and need a spot to place a pedal.

I used to daisy chain pedals a lot on my boards with 1-Spot power supplies but often ran into noise problems. It was typically certain digital pedals that did not play nice on daisy in chains. On my early boards, I used trial and error, with a combination of Pedal Power and 1-Spot daisy chains to accomplish a noise free board. But, I as I acquire more power hungry pedals, I got tired of hunting down noise problems when I swapped pedals between boards. I have mainly switched to TrueTone supplies for the ease and convenience of not having to work so much to get a noise free board.