I'm working on this one too, along with a lot of other things. Spent most of my time so far getting used to a thumbpick, and had to change my hand position a little to mute the bass string so it sounds right-still getting used to that too.
I'm not real far into it yet, a few pages past the first eighth note section, but am trying to play from the beginning to where I'm at at least once or twice a day.
Seems like sometimes it sounds OK, and sometimes I still can't quite pull it off. I'm mostly OK playing them at the speed I want to with the metronome, but a lot of times without the metronome, it's way to obvious to me I'm trying to count very carefully, sounds really stiff and not nearly musical enough.
I'm going to keep at it, though. Seeing some improvement, especially keeping the thumb part/bass line in time while playing something else, which I've always had trouble with. One of these days, maybe!