etymology of the F-bomb and discussion if we should just all get the F over it.

At this stage in human history and society, can we just all get over the pearl clasping and faux upsetness some folks display when they hear the word "fuck?" I mean really, who hasn't heard it. It is just sound made by the formation of some letters. What is the fucking big deal? Why not just get over it? If you think there are more creative, more sophisticated, more descriptive ways to communicate, then great. You go. But to act surprised and all offended at this point, seems childish. Now, this is coming from a guy whose Dad washed his mouth out with soap when his Dad said he would if I said it again (in like the mid or late 70's) and how over the top does THAT disciplinary action seem now? Can we not just finally do the same with Fuck? I mean, it is an old word.

Bischops … may fuck thair fill and be vnmaryit”. Ane Satyre of the Thrie Estaits by Sir David Lyndesay.

HIstory of the word Fuck.
At this stage in human history and society, can we just all get over the pearl clasping and faux upsetness some folks display when they hear the word "fuck?" I mean really, who hasn't heard it. It is just sound made by the formation of some letters. What is the fucking big deal? Why not just get over it? If you think there are more creative, more sophisticated, more descriptive ways to communicate, then great. You go. But to act surprised and all offended at this point, seems childish. Now, this is coming from a guy whose Dad washed his mouth out with soap when his Dad said he would if I said it again (in like the mid or late 70's) and how over the top does THAT disciplinary action seem now? Can we not just finally do the same with Fuck? I mean, it is an old word.

Bischops … may fuck thair fill and be vnmaryit”. Ane Satyre of the Thrie Estaits by Sir David Lyndesay.

HIstory of the word Fuck.
I say it frequently in casual conversations. My wife disapproves but fuckit. Seems kinda tame when you realize it's just an abbreviation of For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. I don't use the word in professional conversations.

Back when I watched Deadwood, I was saying "cocksucker" a lot. Somehow, that word seems more vulgar than fuck. I still swear with cocksucker from time to time, when it seems to fit the occasion.

There's the option to go Battlestar Galactica and use "frak." I've rewatched the reimagined series a few times. My wife hates that fraking show.

Fuck is my preferred expression of frustration. So, fuck 'em if they can't take a word!

I do find it annoying when people use fuck in every sentence they speak. It gets old real fast.
The native English speaker I know and have known IRL have all been surprized how often Scandinavians use the f-word. Younger people use it in pretty much every sentence.
I can’t go five minutes without dropping an f bomb. It’s hard for me to go to meetings with the kids’ teachers because I have to think about what I’m saying without cursing. Both of my kids say it whenever they feel like it. I just love fuck.
I can’t go five minutes without dropping an f bomb. It’s hard for me to go to meetings with the kids’ teachers because I have to think about what I’m saying without cursing. Both of my kids say it whenever they feel like it. I just love fuck.
That would make an interesting t-shirt….

Love Fuck

For a different connotation…

Love. Fuck.
None of you cunts are English, I presume. Never heard fuck there, but heard cunt every day and in every way...
None of you cunts are English, I presume. Never heard fuck there, but heard cunt every day and in every way...
I still recall Peter Grant in the movie “The Song Remains The Same” calling the venue manager a silly cunt.
Saying cunt isn’t as fun in America because most people are afraid of that word and recoil in shock when I say it. Especially now that the PC police have decided that nobody is allowed to say it, ever, for any reason. Although I think their power is waning with Twitter is dying. It’s been a while since I saw a news story about “A comedian said the c-word and people on Twitter are angry!”
Saying cunt isn’t as fun in America because most people are afraid of that word and recoil in shock when I say it. Especially now that the PC police have decided that nobody is allowed to say it, ever, for any reason. Although I think their power is waning with Twitter is dying. It’s been a while since I saw a news story about “A comedian said the c-word and people on Twitter are angry!”
i use that word quite a lot.
however, i use it because it is well deserved at that moment!!
I find "fuck" to be a great verbal exclamation point or the bold face text of speaking.
I am a fan. My mother is not a fan.
I don't swear a lot. I see no need. To those of you that do, well that's great but I don't see the point in putting it in every sentence.
I don't swear much unless I am super pissed off. Words only have meaning if meaning is given to them. Say any word repeatedly without thinking about that word and it will eventually lose all meaning (not just a stoner trick). Sticks and stones and all that jazz.
I try not to cuss while conversing. I don't feel it enhances the point trying to be made. If I screw something up, or hurt myself, I may say a few bad words. I bust out 'fudge' often.
I don't really feel like fuck has the shock value to really make it worth using anymore. Sure, in a professional setting or at dinner with grandma, it'll raise eyebrows but these days, it's pretty darn pervasive and lost a lot of sting.