Donner Yellow Fall


Corporate cog
Bought this little guy on sale for $24 a couple of weeks ago, but only opened it up and plugged it in last night. Very nice classic-style delay; there's a lot of analog sweetness coming out of this ridiculously small 1" x 1" x 3" package. Adds no noise to the signal chain that I can hear, even under gain.

Despite its Ant Man size, it seems built sturdily enough, and the knobs have just the right amount of smooth resistance. It's kind of a matte-ish pearlescent yellow with a hint of lime green and a small biohazard symbol on the front. A cool enough look I guess, though I prefer this guy's reimagining:


I may have to get the decals off and do a little Sharpie-doodling on mine.

By the way, on my screen that picture above is 30% taller than the actual pedal. What I'm saying is: this thing is frickin' small.

Through the Shaman Retro, on the clean channel with the gain about 8pm, a bit of this and a bit of my EHX Holy Grail plate reverb gave me one of the nicest chimey, shimmering guitar tones I've gotten in a while. The notes have all kinds of extra character that dies away cleanly before it gets too muddy. Adding a bit more of the same low-repeat delay gives an excellent roots rock sound, very Brian Setzer live.

With a little more delay and some moderate boost from my Full Drive 2, it put out a greasy "Waitin' on the Bus"/Billy G. kind of sound; warm and round and a little hairy. I bet if I'd run that setup through a 4x12 instead of a 1x12, I could have copped that feel perfectly. It was real chewy and fat, just .... wow. Along with a few beers, I noodled around with that tone for like two hours straight doing bad Joe Perry/Gary Moore/Paul Kossof/Santana impressions. It was just inspiring as shit.

For the price of two movie tickets, this things is amazing. Worth twice as much and with such a miniscule footprint on the pedalboard .... ? By Grabthar's Hammer, what a value.

This pedal seems almost the equal to the Carbon Copy I used to have, and much less expensive.

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Does the feedback knob control the number of repeats?

Indeed it does. I've pretty much gotten my desired settings down for the pedal, but when I was searching for them, I found the feedback knob quite sensitive. It was easy to get to "infinite amplifying echoes" with just a middling echo level.

EDITED: Hmm. After watching a few videos of people demoing it, I'm thinking that I may have gotten a bad/wrong pot on the Feedback knob. It turns just fine, with the right amount of resistance, but the effect is only useful till the knob is at 1pm. Everything clockwise from that swiftly becomes "infinite amplifying echoes" almost regardless of how low the Echo rate is set and how softly you're playing.

I've watched three videos and seen three guys get much more useful sweep out of that control. It's like on my pedal, 100% of the Feedback effect falls at like 2:30pm on the knob. Doesn't stop it from sounding awesome, though.
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These cheapo mini pedals are getting to be kinda cool, aren't they?
They really are. I think most folks use power supplies instead of batteries anyway, so why not make 'em small? I picked up one of these Donner Boost Killers, which is basically an Xotic RC Boost clone, off of Craigslist a while back. It's a nice little boost. I've never tried a real RC, so can't comment on how they compare, but the little Donner unit is very usable.

^^^[seinfeld] But why would they call it a "boost killer" if you are TRYING to get a boosted signal? Shouldn't they call it "killer boost" instead? You're not trying to kill the boost, you are trying to boost!..."[/seinfeld]
My guess is that "killer boost" is exactly what they intended, but the translator must have had a hiccup. Engrish is one of the odd languages that puts the adjectives before the noun instead of after.