anybody know in what isle they sell feet at Home Depot?

angry tele

L'effet c'est moi
i bought an old asspedal that has no feet, just velcro that I removed so i need some feet
or whatever those little rubber thingies are called. like the ones that come with BYOC kits (see pics)
I know The Home Depots sell them as I found them there once but I just happened to stumble upon
them a few years ago after spacing out and looking at every item they sold in every isle.
now I dont have time for that shit . I dont remember what isle or what they are actually for,
besides pedals.
oh, they come in different sizes too which is neat...

Were they where I said they'd be? isle. they have casters there too

they had these little baby casters and I thought, 'cool I could put these on my tweed deluxe!'
but then I was like, 'wait it only weighs 25lbs' derp...
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