Dig it! Any one got enough cojones to play cajon?


I just got a new Pearl "Primero" cajon today and had to chime in. I had a cajon years ago and got rid of it before we made the move from Cali to Wisc ("the great musical purge of '22"). I've been thinking about getting a cajon pedal and using it to accompany myself while playing and singing just because. Anybody here done that? I would bet something like that'd be right up @Gary Blanchard's alley! I could see me, my guitar, and my silly-looking cajon making some cool racket.

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An old band I was in had an acoustic gig in a really small place, so I went and got a cajon so the drummer could participate. He played it, but never again. He complained he kept slapping his own balls.
Worked with several bands that use Cajons.... We usually put a kick drum mic in the back soundhole.

Technically it would be nice to put an SM57 in the front corner for the snare, but several of the drummers like to tip the cajon back on the edge... so with only the back kick mic (usually a Shure Beta 52A) it just needs to be eq'd a little more full range.
joking aside the guy in my short-lived CT beatles acoustic duo-type gig had one of those little reverse kick pedals and a cajon, he'd also slap the side for a "snare" sound and use a shaker for hi-hat type sounds. it worked pretty well!