On Tuesday I loaded up my car with Mrs. bsman and four electrics (Godin Kingpin CW II, Fender Duo Sonic, Harmony Rebel, Fender Acoustasonic Player tele) and headed to Dave's Guitars in Sun Prairie. Put my guitars on the counter, went into the shop and played a shitload of guitars. Thought about a couple of Gibsons and thought better of it. Thought about a Ric 620 and thought better of it and then went into the acoustic room. I played a bunch of Gibsons, Taylors, Martins, and a few odds and ends, and after going through about two dozen guitars ended up walking out with a Taylor AD24CE (discontinued and discounted $500) along with a couple hundo in store credit. I really wanted the used Martin DC-18E but my surgically-repaired shoulder just doesn't work that well anymore. So now - below are all the electrics I have left along with a stock photo of the Taylor (it's not really a looker - but I don't care). I think for the first time ever I now have more acoustics than electrics and my music room feels much roomier.