Dig it! You get your annual bonus... you get a guitar. It's the law, it's in the Geneva Convention...


Meatus McPrepuce
I got my bonus and took it straight to Austin Vintage Guitars and got this really nice 2011 AVRI '72 Tele Thinline. I like it a lot!! Sounds great, lots of Tele bite with the faux Wide Range humbuckers (this was before they started making the CuNiFe ones again).



Can you please reference the appropriate section of the Geneva Convention? Need to show the wife as she doesn't believe me!

Smurfco is right. They specifically mentioned GAS. Implemented in 1928 because they just knew electric guitars were gonna be a massive thing.

@smurfco HNGD!
I don't understand... talk someone... out of buying a guitar??? I know these words but the sentence doesn't make sense.
It's in mint conditions, but I know the stock PUs are pretty weak, so.. it may not be that much of a deal..
How much are they askin'?
About $1K. But it's been up since December, so I could apply some pressure. Offests in good condition are rare around here. Maybe the Indie people use them for live-action role playing games.