Stealing Your Riffs
…Style Amp.
50 watt VHT D-Fifty Amp Head
I have GAS’d for this amp head for quite awhile. They used to be priced $999 new. I can’t even find them new anymore online, except on Reverb.
I found one used in mint condition at my local Music Go Round. They gave me a good price.
I only had a chance to play it for 20 minutes tonight. I fed the VHT head into my Fender 410 combo cab set clean. I set the controls based on the VHT website suggestion for clean and plugged my Gibson P90 LP into it. I’ve tried quite a few amps through that 410 cab and none of them have sounded this good. That 410 is a good match for this VHT. (edit: clean only, overdriven, not so much.)
I’ll have to come back later to post about how I like the amp dirty, with other guitars, and other speaker cabs. So far, it does a killer clean sound. Also, it’s very quiet, even with the single coil P90’s.
50 watt VHT D-Fifty Amp Head
I have GAS’d for this amp head for quite awhile. They used to be priced $999 new. I can’t even find them new anymore online, except on Reverb.
I found one used in mint condition at my local Music Go Round. They gave me a good price.
I only had a chance to play it for 20 minutes tonight. I fed the VHT head into my Fender 410 combo cab set clean. I set the controls based on the VHT website suggestion for clean and plugged my Gibson P90 LP into it. I’ve tried quite a few amps through that 410 cab and none of them have sounded this good. That 410 is a good match for this VHT. (edit: clean only, overdriven, not so much.)
I’ll have to come back later to post about how I like the amp dirty, with other guitars, and other speaker cabs. So far, it does a killer clean sound. Also, it’s very quiet, even with the single coil P90’s.
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