I Finally Bought A Dumble…


Stealing Your Riffs
…Style Amp.

50 watt VHT D-Fifty Amp Head

I have GAS’d for this amp head for quite awhile. They used to be priced $999 new. I can’t even find them new anymore online, except on Reverb.

I found one used in mint condition at my local Music Go Round. They gave me a good price.

I only had a chance to play it for 20 minutes tonight. I fed the VHT head into my Fender 410 combo cab set clean. I set the controls based on the VHT website suggestion for clean and plugged my Gibson P90 LP into it. I’ve tried quite a few amps through that 410 cab and none of them have sounded this good. That 410 is a good match for this VHT. (edit: clean only, overdriven, not so much.)

I’ll have to come back later to post about how I like the amp dirty, with other guitars, and other speaker cabs. So far, it does a killer clean sound. Also, it’s very quiet, even with the single coil P90’s.


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It looks like the MGR in Louisville, KY has several of these.
MGR seems to be fair on price on these amps. They’re available used on Reverb at higher price points. I got lucky finding one local, so I didn’t have to pay shipping.
That thing looks awesome
It's a great bang for the buck. I'm really happy with it. As I've had more time with it, I've come to favor certain speakers/cabs.

The Fender open back, 410 I initially tried, and liked clean, is not my favorite for overdrive with the VHT D-Fifty amp head. My 212 with V30's sounds great clean and dirty, but that cab is a bit dark sounding, so I have to adjust the VHT to match. The 212 V30 cab is the only one I preferred the "preamp bypass" function ON, because it brightens up the sound in a favorable way with that cab.

My favorite cab with the VHT is a closed back 112 loaded with a Celestion Classic Lead, G12-80, but it lacks bass response, so I end up cranking the bass up on the VHT. Jonathan Nathan Cordy has bought the VHT D-Fifty 3 times. He likes the amp, but said it lacked the full low end response of his ~$5K Two Rock.

My other favorite speakers/cab with the D-Fifty is a surprise, because it's a 412 loaded with the dreaded Celestion Seventy 80 speakers. I bought that 412 used, at a fraction of the new price, to use with my digital modeling setups, and it's been great for that purpose. The cab was originally wired 4 ohms impedance but I rewired it for 16 ohms so that it would be safe to use with other amps. However, I've never been thrilled with the way my tube amps mesh with that 412 until the VHT. It sounds great set on 8 ohms output through that 16 ohm, 412, 70/80 cab with plenty of bass response.