SVL works on getting healthier at 62! Anyone else working on their health?

Ok, had my check up, at age 62. My BP has been good, and generally has been running the the 1(teens) over 70something on meds. My cholesterol has been too high the last couple years, and now I am going to be going on a statin. That is despite eating better and cutting back on sugar and drinking. My ASCVD risk score is I guess a 13.7 which is intermediate. That score relates to plaque build up and risk of stroke/heart attack. So I better get on that!!!

Also, my PSA, over the last couple years, will go up too high, but then come back down to good normal. Which is annoying. This time, I was a 4.2, so .2 over what they want you at in the US for my age, whereas the Brits say 4.5 at my age is ok. All the parts work (just fine thank you) but I have the typical up once at night and slower stream 60something thing going on.

I would say I am a good 8-10 lbs over what I would consider reasonable ideal weight. I am still muscular and ski at a high level and am strong. But my cardio effort has been a lot less the last few years, so I want to get back on that. And also commit harder to a Mediterranean style diet and not blow that off as often. My relatively new relationship (post divorce a couple years ago), which is 1.5 years in, is super good. Though we did just recently have our first real argument (over the stupid inauguration on MLK day. *sigh). But we got through it well and resolved it with some healthier thoughts about how we approach those issues moving forward. Work is going reasonably well. I am engaged with life. Just want to get as healthy as I can to get as many good years as I can.

So, that is my deal.
With the exception of a slightly elevated LDL, my labs were terrific. I could lose 8-10 pounds, but with the back and hip joint pain, I'm struggling to get enough exercise. Because of that, my cardio fitness is far below what it's been for the last 40 years. Now, my ankle and upper foot are fucked up and I can't make any progress with it. It's frustrating to have the motivation to keep moving and stay healthy, but the body is failing out from under me.
I got back on track with weight training, went on a diet, and lost 30 pounds last year. Now I’m down to 161 and I want to get into 140s this year (I’ll stop when I look good). Six days a week I get up at 5:embarrassed:0am and go to the gym early before the college kids show up. Everything I eat is planned and tracked; I weigh most of my food down to the tenth of an ounce. Most days I eat the same foods at the same times. It gets pretty easy after a while and eating two pounds of fresh vegetables and another pound of fruit a day makes me feel great. Some people can’t handle a strict eating routine but I’ve discovered that I like not having to think about cooking.
My annual physical is next week, so we'll see. I did just have a bunch of labs done--ordered by neuro, as we're trying to figure out the neuropathy in my feet--and all that came back normal. My weight is perfect, BP was good at last year's physical, cholesterol was a little high last time but no biggie.
I lift 4 days a week, walk or hike 3 days a week, interval rowing machine 3 days a week, abs/core twice a week. Usually, we kayak a couple times a month and get a few ski weekends in during the season, but with Mrs. Walt's recent neck issues/surgery, that ain't happening.
I got back on track with weight training, went on a diet, and lost 30 pounds last year. Now I’m down to 161 and I want to get into 140s this year (I’ll stop when I look good). Six days a week I get up at 5:embarrassed:0am and go to the gym early before the college kids show up. Everything I eat is planned and tracked; I weigh most of my food down to the tenth of an ounce. Most days I eat the same foods at the same times. It gets pretty easy after a while and eating two pounds of fresh vegetables and another pound of fruit a day makes me feel great. Some people can’t handle a strict eating routine but I’ve discovered that I like not having to think about cooking.
I eat the exact same thing for breakfast and lunch 5 days a week. I mix it up for dinners and weekends.
I gotta get in for a physical, but I've been more consistent with exercise for the last 6 months than I've ever been in my life. I'd like to lose some weight, or at least reshape the weight I'm carrying, as it's sometimes uncomfortable, even though I'm at the top end of the healthy range. I've been eating a lot of garbage because I have a moderately picky kid in the house, and, while he is able to exercise portion control, I can destroy Cheetos by the family size bag full.
I've been riding the stationary bike every day for 30 minutes. I do push ups, the Total Gym, and an occasional mtb ride too. I eat like crap. I need a physical.
I feel healthy.

*My big fear is my prostate. My dad had prostate cancer.
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At 65 my labs are awesome. No meds BP ~110/55, resting pulse 57 cholesterol, blood sugars PSA all nice an low. My back is currently however, royally fucked and I'm not 100% sure why I went from great at 65 to terrible at 65 and 3 weeks. It's now been over 6 months. I just want to be able to do things again without discomfort, but that ship may have sailed. I want to be able to say in the shape I've been and then just drop dead. But looks like they'll have to take me out back and shoot me instead :flamemad:
My wife is trying to make me exercise.

62, I'm still underweight but, not as much. Worked slowed down to a crawl back in October. Pretty normal for an election year but, it usually picks up after the election. This time, it didn't. Jan, Feb, March is normally , very slow. People get their Visa bills from Christmas, say OMG, I have no money and the weather is shitty, they don't even want to go buy groceries, let alone shop for flooring.
Age 61
Health Issues…
-Stage 3 Kidney Disease
-Psoriatic Arthritis
-Acid Reflux
-Bladder Issues

My medications…
-alpha blockers

I was very active until about a year ago. I did not know how skiing was going to work out because I’m not in as good a condition as previous years. But, I still ski better and faster than 95% of others on the mountain, including my 20 year old son. He’s been skiing since he was 7.

I’m having trouble regulating my body temperature this winter. It’s probably due to the alpha blockers. It’s also a common issue that happens with aging.

I want to get back to regular exercise. I’m starting with an elliptical trainer in my basement. That’s something I can do indoors during winter. I plan to get back into riding a bicycle come Spring.

I gained a lot of weight at the end of last January. Then, I lost the extra weight with a diet and intermittent fasting. This holiday season, I gained some of it back because my wife kept buying sweets. I have enough self control, not to buy junk food. But, I tend to be weak if it’s in the house.

I’m back to healthier food choices. I’ll lose the holiday weight soon.

My life expectancy maxes out at about 70. But, I could beat the odds. My kidney doctor said I’m his healthiest patient and the only one who doesn’t have hypertension. Of course, there’s always the possibility of a deadly car accident, or fatal bear attack, to cut things really short. :embarrassed:
I am a long time, cyclist, though I have slacked off in the last couple years. Also long time exerciser in various forms, and I ski at a very high level, which actually does raise my heart rate from the normal low of about 60 to an average of 110 to 125 with peaks of 150 something. So I do get some heart workout from that given that I ski at a pretty high level with high edge, pressure and athleticism. Plus of course I do go to the gym, take walks, go cycling, etc. So I just don’t get it why my labs are off like that. And I don’t eat like crap either. So to me that is just frustrating.
I am a long time, cyclist, though I have slacked off in the last couple years. Also long time exerciser in various forms, and I ski at a very high level, which actually does raise my heart rate from the normal low of about 60 to an average of 110 to 125 with peaks of 150 something. So I do get some heart workout from that given that I ski at a pretty high level with high edge, pressure and athleticism. Plus of course I do go to the gym, take walks, go cycling, etc. So I just don’t get it why my labs are off like that. And I don’t eat like crap either. So to me that is just frustrating.
That does seem odd. Perhaps, no matter what we do, genetics plays a big part in our results.
That does seem odd. Perhaps, no matter what we do, genetics plays a big part in our results.
Yup there is that. I don't eat poorly but I don't watch what I eat all that much either. My numbers have never been bad, not even when I smoked :shrug: Some folks can watch their diet like a hawk and still get high cholesterol or diabetes. In those cases it's all about the genetics
One more week and I can be rid of wearing this arm sling/brace post rotator cuff surgery. Then back to the YMCA 3X a week. I have to ask physical therapist what exercises are off limits.

Exercise has been dog walks, plus 60 minutes on a recumbent bike 4x a week. Plus 30 mi uses daily doing PT exercises.

For the past 3 months, I have been talking resovustatin for high cholesterol. I go for lab work in early February to gauge progress.

Since heart valve replacement SEP 2023, I have had fast food 3x (McD's fries). Eating less canned/frozen food.
Well, I guess I can control what I can control, and get some medical help with the rest. I probably have eaten out a bit too much and allowed myself pizza or fish and chips and like that a bit too much in the last couple years as numbers changed. And my cycling went down in intensity for sure. So, weather is starting to get to where I can ride outside in Boise again soon, so I will start commuting to my office downtown when I am there soon, and also riding there. and then get back on it in Hailey in late spring when that opens up. And keep doing the rest.
64 here. Need to lose a few pounds, and get to the gym more. Making some progress there. When I work in the office I do take a good walk for lunch.

Having issues with acid reflux. Moderating food & alcohol (especially in the evening) helps. I'm hoping not to have to deal with seeing a specialist and getting scoped for that, we shall see.
64 here. Need to lose a few pounds, and get to the gym more. Making some progress there. When I work in the office I do take a good walk for lunch.

Having issues with acid reflux. Moderating food & alcohol (especially in the evening) helps. I'm hoping not to have to deal with seeing a specialist and getting scoped for that, we shall see.
Don’t wait to get acid reflux under control with medication. Untreated, acid reflux can lead to esophageal cancer. It’s a shockingly common outcome. Some people wait to see a doctor, then show up in a doctor office complaining that they are having trouble swallowing. By that time, it’s typically too late.
Don’t wait to get acid reflux under control with medication. Untreated, acid reflux can lead to esophageal cancer. It’s a shockingly common outcome. Some people wait to see a doctor, then show up in a doctor office complaining that they are having trouble swallowing. By that time, it’s typically too late.
My Dad had that issue and ended up with "pre-cancer" there. I don't think it ever turned into full blown, but he did die of bone cancer in his spine, and who knows where that came from. Was never determined unfortunately. My Mom's was a combo of congestive heart failure and liver cancer beginning, after she had come varices due to alcoholism she came back from in her early 60's, living until almost 87 (one month short basically). So yeah, something will get me sometime. As it will for all of us. Just want to really commit at age 62 to making what time I get the best it can be and as long as it can be.