Recent content by Punchy

  1. Punchy

    GPOTD 12.06.2023

    I'd probably dig it with a neck pickup. Hell, I still like it, but playing it would make me crazy without the option.
  2. Punchy

    Achtung! Do you swear a lot?

    I try not to at home, at least in front of the kids, but wifey and I both work at a prison so. . . In addition to the swearing there is a whole lot of REALLY dark/inappropriate humor that floats around, yet we have the state mandated EEO/harassment classes. . .
  3. Punchy

    Your Jam Room? Let’s see it!

    Nice room! Mine is basically an unfinished outbuilding with a wraparound worktop. Doubles as my coffee roasting shack :lol: Oh, also chainsaw maintenance shack :o
  4. Punchy

    My class tonight.

    That's awesome, man, what a great class.
  5. Punchy

    Philosophy thread

    I am not that well-read in philosophy (Zen and motorcycles, amirite?), but that premise would seem to tie in to some of the criminological theory I studied for my bachelors. Not necessarily the nuclear family part, but self-oppression; some kind of "I'm not good enough so I'll go ahead and...
  6. Punchy


    CAKE is cool. . . saw them with Ben Folds a couple years back when they came to Sacramento. Motorcade is my favorite, because it's the first album of theirs I knew. For some reason they fit in the same musical space as They Might Be Giants in my head.
  7. Punchy

    What is your go-to taco sauce?

    We usually have a bottle of La Victoria on hand, but also try to stockpile Jimboy's packets when we go there. I usually just do Tapatio or Valentina hot sauce though, depending on what I have open.
  8. Punchy

    GPOTD 11/22/23 Its... something? by someone? made somewhere?

    My first thought was Cort. Like a pawn shop special. :lol: I actually kinda dig it :cool:
  9. Punchy

    So Whaddaya cooking? Whaddaya eating?

    Thanksgiving here has been postponed till at least Saturday. . . that's the usual meal, turkey, potatoes, etc. Tonight, instead, we're having meatloaf and green bean casserole :thu:
  10. Punchy

    Heath Update

    Mojo, man. Glad they got the issue figured out and hopefully the new cocktail doesn't suck as bad.
  11. Punchy

    Dig it! here is a little demo video I made with my friend to try and get some shows

    Not much to add, you guys sound killer together :thu:
  12. Punchy

    NGD, last one ever...

    Nice! HNGD!
  13. Punchy

    Florida bear steals $45 of Taco Bell

    No joke my two kids can kill $40 at Taco Bell, and that's if we tell them to take it easy. Chalupas are expensive!
  14. Punchy

    Out to lunch. . .

    Out to lunch. . .
  15. Punchy

    GPOTD 11/13/23

    I like it. Not sure about the wide/fat neck, but at that price point it's academic anyway :D