Recent content by nuke_diver

  1. nuke_diver

    Let's Have a Funny Pic Thread! Mk 56

    Temperature is relative so the numbers make more sense to you because you live in Fahrenheit. If you live elsewhere Fahrenheit is equally baffling as Centigrade is to you. I talk to my Aussie friends and have to convert from F->C for most of them to understand if it's very hot or not :idk: 45...
  2. nuke_diver

    Let's Have a Funny Pic Thread! Mk 56

    And yet somehow pretty much everyone else on the entire planet has figured it out. :idk:
  3. nuke_diver

    Mental health check-in

    Mojo Bob
  4. nuke_diver

    Achtung! You're going to be seeing a lot less of smurfco these days...

    Congrats. Though I will say that I'm glad my wife was able to lose a bunch of weight (how much she won't tell me) by changing her diet and increasing her exercise. I am glad she doesn't need to go on medication and she did all of this because she was diagnosed as diabetic which is now much...
  5. nuke_diver

    You can only buy Three…..

    My choices today would be different than my choices in 81 or 82 Allied forces for sure since they played at my high school in the 70's Rush because they almost did but were too expensive (budget was $1500 they were $2000 IIRC) I'd certainly want Prince now and maybe Iron Maiden but back then...
  6. nuke_diver

    Well... Boston Dynamics has started teaching Kung Fu to the Matrix...

    We don't have kids. I'm going to need a personal robot in about 20 years. If Skynet comes in 30 I won't be around to care
  7. nuke_diver

    That’s grounds for dee-vorce in Texas

    Did you specify basil type? If not I'm sure that's on you (it would be in my case :lol2: )
  8. nuke_diver


    I think :idk: Actually got a new laptop on the 6th. First laptop in 10 (since my working days). My desktop is getting long in the tooth and I thought I'd try a laptop as I travel some and it be nice to have some entertainment when I'm stuck at my MIL house for a week. So after a lot of looking...
  9. nuke_diver


    Granted he's a friend so I listen to pretty much anything he does :idk: Wish I had his chops :mad:
  10. nuke_diver

    It's been about five years

    Because of the pandemic and the shops closed around here, after that one time my wife bought a Wahl clipper set from Amazon for $20 and she cuts my hair now. Best stylist ever :D :wave:
  11. nuke_diver

    It's been about five years

    I'm more like 5 weeks. During the pandemic when all the shops were closed I probably went 6 months, then skipped quarantine and found a place in another county that was open and got my hair cut. Long hair is WAY too hot.