Recent content by Mark Wein

  1. Mark Wein

    Mental health check-in

  2. Mark Wein

    I finally decided to move on

    This is great. When we do "artist" shows at our school, it's usually along the lines of "six degrees of separation," like what you're talking about. We did that two years ago with our Harry Styles show, and the middle school is doing it with their "Metallica and Friends" show this semester...
  3. Mark Wein

    I finally decided to move on

    I was sold on Boy Genius after I saw this:
  4. Mark Wein

    Mental health check-in

    This is kind of me. This month has been non-stop work (yesterday was my first day of not working either at the school or an actually gig in three weeks) and its all fairly high pressure stuff. Plus, Mrs. Wein was laid off and then found a new job in January but the new job is no longer remote...
  5. Mark Wein

    I Might Like You Better If We Slept Together

    I remember rollerskating to that song when I was a kid.
  6. Mark Wein

    Anyone use Ableton Live 12 here?

    I'm using it at school to build backing tracks for my bands. If I was doing more traditional recording I would just work with Logic though,
  7. Mark Wein

    Analogman Manufacturing

    It was OK but I didn't fall in love with it so I ended up selling it. I have almost no pedals anymore since I've moved into the digital stuff although I did keep a few J ROckett pedals like The Dude and an Archer and I still have a TC SPark Mini.
  8. Mark Wein

    Anyone use Ableton Live 12 here?

    I've been a Logic Pro guy for some years and ProTools before that. At the school we are doing a show that requires the students to program and play with backing tracks this semester and the music director for this show is having us use Ableton for everything since that apparently is how much of...
  9. Mark Wein

    Funny, Creepy AI Pics Of MWGL Peeps

    OMFG. Lol.
  10. Mark Wein

    I think the McFeely 454 is getting some new pickups this week...

    Whelp, After all of this and fixing the bottom strap button which had stripped out last week the top strap button fell out and I don't have time to mess with it so it stays home tonight.