Recent content by LeftyTom

  1. LeftyTom

    HNCOD Now HNBD!!!

  2. LeftyTom

    Bought A Used Pigtronix Rototron Pedal

    What goes around.... HNPD.
  3. LeftyTom

    NGD - is it good enough?

    If it's good for you, it's good for me.
  4. LeftyTom

    Let’s Baimun

    Flying F
  5. LeftyTom

    Dig it! The "R" word.

  6. LeftyTom

    Car of the Week: 1977 Alpine Renault A310 V6

    The door window gives the impression that a taller driver would be comfortable.
  7. LeftyTom

    Chiefs or Eagles?

  8. LeftyTom

    Book list. What are you Weiners reading?

    "Inspector Morse: The Complete Collection ", by Colin Dexter
  9. LeftyTom

    Happy Birthday Baimun!!!

    Late to tha party, but HBD!