Recent content by Ignored Member

  1. Ignored Member

    Fun with Smurfco's Em Drive

    I bought this from Smurfco a few weeks ago. Thanks again! Here's the deal with my amp and stuff: I really like the clean sound from it. I'm less crazy about how it sounds when it starts to clip. So I'm stuck with keeping the gain so low that I don't get the most out of it, never hitting the...
  2. Ignored Member

    The "AGF" Forum is having a HC type melt-down...

    It's just fantasy.
  3. Ignored Member

    GPOTD 5.26.20

    Gold foil pickups. How kitschy precious.
  4. Ignored Member

    GPOTD 5.22.20

    Imitation crab meet in the mini-fridge?
  5. Ignored Member

    GPOTD 5.22.20

    I'm interested. It has nothing to do with seeing a video of Vai last night playing his triple-neck guitar. I promise.
  6. Ignored Member

    GPOTD 5.21.20

    If you're going to overvalue it, go full-bore. It's super rare and one of a kind. Ask for $20,000! Statistically speaking, you are only slightly reducing the probability somebody will go for it.
  7. Ignored Member

    Mrs. Doubtfire is a harmless, heart-warming movie

    So why would I rather stab myself in the face with a screwdriver than watch it?
  8. Ignored Member

    Well it's come to this - here we are doing a Phil Collins song

    Well, sometimes I get to make spreadsheets too.
  9. Ignored Member

    Question: What are you practicing?

    I was doing some recording and found some sloppiness has crept into my thumb bass-note playing. Along with cleaning that up, I'm working on a new bass pattern that doesn't sound as derivative of early Chet.
  10. Ignored Member

    Well it's come to this - here we are doing a Phil Collins song

    I wish I had 1/10th of your cleverness and talent. I might not have to spend my days making PowerPoints about software.
  11. Ignored Member

    Let's Have a Funny Pic Thread! Mk 32

    You sound like my boss giving me feedback on my PowerPoint deck.
  12. Ignored Member

    GPOTD 5.14.20

    I like the bridge. Edit: I mean aside from the fact that the intonation is obviously questionable.
  13. Ignored Member

    WTF: Indoor/Outdoor Cats

  14. Ignored Member

    GPOTD 5.13.20

    I might be interested at 1/10 the price. The description says it is neck-through. The crack at the neck/body joint says otherwise.