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  • 4. Trees. And not all at once. Like getting tenants at a mall, you need a couple of big, anchor trees. If you don't have them already, get them in soon. I usually don't advocate spending much on plants, but when it comes to these, it's best to get them as large as possible.
    5. Then the various plants.
    3. Clear and plant from front to back. Even if you don't care too much what the neighborhood thinks, YOU see the front of your house every time you pull in. You want it to make you feel glad. Take care of the back yard later.
    That said, I CAN recommend an order to doing things.
    1. Pesticidal treatment. Long story short, if you're going to get the house treated for termites or etc., do it first. It takes a long time for that shit to go away, get it done ASAP.
    2. Hardscape second. Looking at having a new deck/patio/ramada? A new wall? Do that second.
    Hello -

    I got my ass kicked HARD learning to landscape in New Mexico. Bad choices, wasted work and money, etc.

    Every landscaper/book will tell you "organize the lot by intended use and purpose first." That's well and good, but also hard as heck to predict. I never knew I wanted to spend so much 'around the house' time outside until I had a view like I do now. There were MANY things I could not have predicted.
    I'd like to buy the reverend hellhound amp. Gimme a ring. Thanks!

    BJ Wilbanks
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